Passion is not a hobby or having a dream. You see, passion comes from the Latin word ‘Pati’ which means ‘to suffer’. There will always be highs and lows, celebrations and failures, excitement and frustration; but the highs can seem fleeting and the lows can feel like they’ve lasted too long (I’m sure everyone knows that feeling). But now with moving forward, “keep your eyes on the prize”!Stay focused on what it is you must accomplish. If your passion requires building a team to get the job done, don’t be afraid to reach out to those around you, you’ll be surprised of who will really help you on your journey!When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break and take time for yourself to regroup your thoughts. Eldest of 6 half siblings. passion (n.) c. 1200, "the sufferings of Christ on the Cross; the death of Christ," from Old French passion "Christ's passion, physical suffering" (10c. So be it as well, passion says to a single unemployed mother writing a novel in cafés for five years only for the book to be rejected by 20-odd publishers before being accepted, which is what happened to JK Rowling and her first Harry Potter novel.Passion is investment in time, effort, money, blood, tears and sweat. And even after all that, passion, most times won’t give you the results you seek just because you love it – like the old man and his boxing and always getting knocked down to the canvas.You can’t stop passion, or switch it off, tone it down, refrain from it. It is obsession and countless hours of unpaid work. This was a revelation to the younger man because the old man was a recluse, and all anybody in the neighbourhood knew about the old man, other than he never left his apartment, was that he was called Thump.After the old man finished talking about being a boxer, the young man asked, ‘Is that why they call you Thump… coz you hit hard?’‘No,’ said the old man, ‘It’s the sound I made when I hit the canvas.’‘I never said I was,’ the old man said, ‘I just loved boxing.’Here’s what we, society, say passion generally is. I was upset. I'm here to share my life, my love and lessons and maybe help someone through their life journeys and lessons. ), from Late Latin passionem (nominative passio) "suffering, enduring," from past-participle stem of Latin pati "to endure, undergo, experience," a word of uncertain origin.

Years ago. Passion is both loving and hating the thing you’re passionate about because with the obsession, comes an unhealthy need for perfection. But passion Roman Catholic, Egyptian (raised in parochial schools in Egypt), no formal education, but decades of volunteering in prisons and jails and half-way houses, helping teenagers recover from lives of violence and addiction. Suffering comes with following my passion as a classroom teacher. It is a strong and barely controllable feeling of excitement for something or for doing something. When you received that vision, that urge, that passion, it is your purpose to exceed expectations! If you have a large portfolio, many tasks each day, find a way to manage yourself, your time, and your tasks.

As Oxford states, passion is an intense desire or enthusiasm for something, and it is the suffering and death of Jesus.I am passionate about helping others and inspiring people, and no matter what obstacle I face, I choose to overcome and defeat. alone is not enough. Passion is a gift and a curse, made all the more worse by its inability to explain itself to those who don’t have it.This all sounds grim because grim has everything to do with the original meaning of the word passion. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für passion [suffering] im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). started, and when refined, it sustains you along the way to success. It is to brave the storms such that if practising for hours on the guitar makes your fingers bleed, passion says so be it. Don’t be afraid to let go of people that encourage stagnancy, those that don’t believe in your passion, so they distract you!Always remember that He doesn’t give us more than we can bare. I met him. My background is Bahamian- Jamaican.

Your passion is tied to your purpose and it was once said, “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion.

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