If there is any lack of sufficient evidence, we make sure we mention it.

However, what is proven beyond doubt is that acupressure helps as pain management during labor.. Improtantly, it is not known to have any negative impact on the mother or the baby.All rights reserved.

This point is called the Shoulder Well, and it is stimulated to promote the downward flow of energy. BL60 has a fitting name: … Pressing it can produce a tingling numbness.People can find BL60 at the top of the Achilles tendon just behind the ankle. Traditional practitioners associate this spot with spleen health.BL32 is midway between the lower spine and the dimple of the buttocks. Bladder 28 & 48, stomach 29 and kidney 3 points are quite successful in reducing any pain during labour. Repeat in a cycle with small breaks.In correcting a baby’s position, this point works wonders, especially for breech babies and also for inducing labour.On the side of the little finger of the foot, nearly 0.1 inches behind the nail.Use your thumb and index finger to pinch the toe in that area, but in a gentle manner.While trigger contractions, this point also resolves issues of the dilated cervix and other infections as well.Below the spine in the area where buttock dimples are situated.Press the point while massaging it downwards. This point is also named the Union Valley and stimulating this point on both hands helps in stimulating labor and encouraging the downward flow of energy. That relief, however, might take a long time to arrive due to delayed labour. Parenting.Firstcry.ae accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. She has done her post graduation in English from The University of Calcutta and has flair to write articles on Massages, Acupressure, Reflexology, Acupuncture and Etc.

Acupressure massage to induce labour can be conducted in any order of the points. It is also a local K1 or Kidney 1 acupressure point is also known as the Gushing Spring and this point is located at the bottom of the foot, in the depression when the foot is set in plantar flexion.

The pressure created by the baby’s head on the bladder and bowels and the stretching of the vagina and the birth canal also causes pain.Different women have different experience of labor pain and although labor is considered one of the most painful human experiences, it varies from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy.

All rights reserved. Stimulating … This point is also beneficial for acute lumbar pain, headache, neck stiffness and dizziness. This point is named the Kunlun Mountains and it is located on the foot, in the dint between the tip of the external malleolus and tendo calcaneus. This point is also named the Return point, and it helps in stimulating and balancing the qi flow to the female reproductive organs.

It is a Stimulate these acupressure points in your birthing partner at any time during labor in order to provide relief and relaxation from agonizing back pain and prepare her body for a smooth delivery.Bipasha Mukherjee is a professional content writer at ModernReflexology.com. It only means that further research is needed in this area. Bladder 60. Both acupressure, as well as acupuncture, have shown their effectiveness in inducing labour as well as relieving labour pains.At times, using acupressure techniques could cut down the duration of labour leading to a speedy delivery. The entire process of seeing your baby grow inside you is a roller coaster ride. When there are obstacles in this flow, it results in pain or tightness in an area and so on.

Acupressure practitioners say that applying pressure to these specific points on the body can change the body’s energy, called qi or chi.

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