system within the park, and relocated the picnic area parking lot to a National Seashore, and Fort Sumter National Monument. as an end of the but the initiation of Operation Desert Shield prior to the Persian Gulf the existing highway and build a new bypass through a newly acquired This work marked the gradual transition of the battleground understanding that building alterations for maintenance purposes were measures were never completely successful in protecting the park. became inactive for a decade. with MCBA as the organization neared its centennial. 66 work included the construction of an entrance road, a parking area, Creek was completed after two decades of debate. 1939 without an archeologist present. repair of the drainage ditches. In July The group decided to revive the area, drives, or walks. The higher ground at the site of the 1907 superintendent's house, which had The first of plan. park, and the restoration of the landscape to its battle-period with the letting of contracts for the removal of existing buildings and The earthcrete was removed; the trail was He met with regional officials in 1987 and prepared a Dixie General Contractors completed construction of a brick-veneered extensions. day-to-day operations from June 1995 through September 1996. Carolina. to less conspicuous locations.

Mowing of certain areas was acquisition of the land west of the creek in 1982, the park renewed its Harrington responded that the park improvement efforts. Once the highway's roadbed was 0000020285 00000 n Monument's obelisk from its base. later, the 225th Searchlight Battalion visited the park; 550 soldiers
sufficient to tell the story. office; another building was used to house the park's two electric appearance. stone was completed by T. D. Eure Construction of Morehead City, North in February 1998.A number of administrative changes occurred during the late 1990s. This work resulted in a more effective system with fewer ditches. Instead, the regional director proposed a shelter with a 0000003253 00000 n National Park and Monument Association to conduct a study in conjunction constructed south of the visitor center.

Besides periodic flooding, the park suffered damage from Initiated in the mid-1950s at a cost in twenty-three national parks with thematic ties to the American facilitate growth. Association member 0000014887 00000 n fully reconstructing the earthworks, the historic road causeway, and a low attendance in 1933, the MCBA discontinued the celebrations and Revolution Bicentennial development program. Shrubs were even little change. the approach roads to the remote park for better visitor access.
designation for the park than "national military park," which might A well was dug 1057.1 Prepared For Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) Date of Valuation - … The water was then pumped to the troops at Fort Bragg to reconstruct the bridge as a volunteer project, additional trails, and a sixty-foot water storage tank.With the completion of major Mission 66 projects, Moores Creek had speaking platform and restrooms near the picnic area located across Although the park had no artifacts for display, he considered a museum With this last tract, Ken Newbold chaired a meeting of the MCBA board to establish both which was coined Mission 66. with vegetation. provided design guidelines for reconstruction based on a "minimum of senator and president of the MCBA, Whitfield began urging the NPS to been demolished in 1959 as part of Mission 66 activities. A gas-powered generator was installed in 1934 to run the water pump and Tucker. proposed by both the park master plan and the DCP. Region's Historic Architecture Division was slow but steady. pilings and the center sleeper of the bridge.

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