Last year, he switched parties to become a Republican in the November election, promising Trump his “undying support.” Trump, reveling in the decision, promised to return the favor and announced that he is endorsing Van Drew for reelection, calling him “a tremendous asset for the party.”Van Drew’s remarks came after a video montage of comments from voters who identified themselves as coming from across the political spectrum but having become Trump supporters.House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is talking more about the coronavirus pandemic than many of the speakers at the Republican National Convention this week.But he’s not calling it by its name, only “an invisible enemy that we didn’t ask for.”The California Republican said Thursday in his RNC speech that “we will defeat it because America is where innovation happens, and we are developing a vaccine in record time.”He credits President Donald Trump for having “unleashed a Marshall Plan for Main Street,” referring to the coronavirus relief package for unemployed Americans and businesses.However McCarthy, as all speakers this week, referred to the pandemic as an unforeseen tragedy that has killed 180,000 Americans, not the virus that first swept across Europe and that Trump at first played down before assembling a White House task force.The White House South Lawn is the stage for many things, from Easter egg rolls to state dinners to the presidential helicopter’s comings and goings.But it had never provided the setting for a national political convention – until Thursday night.President Donald Trump is accepting the Republican presidential nomination during a scaled-back, coronavirus-influenced convention unfolding on the sprawling lawn.Jumbo screens blared “Trump Pence” and white folding chairs were laid out close together for the 1,500 expected guests, not the recommended 6 feet apart.Face masks are not required for the event, where Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump are set to speak, and many guests will not be tested for the coronavirus.The White House says those who will be “in close proximity” to Trump will be tested.Copyright © 2020 The Associated Press. The room is set and delegates begin to arrive for the first day of the Republican National Convention ... according to a new poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Tracee Ellis Ross emceed Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention. Former Obama administration officials have said the Trump White House would have been able to act more quickly to stop spread of the coronavirus had the office still been intact.Trump also tried to claim that he, unlike Biden, will hold China “fully accountable for the tragedy they caused.” But early in the pandemic, he praised China for its transparency and said they were working hard to contain the virus.President Donald Trump says former Vice President Joe Biden “is not the savior of America’s soul,” and “if given the chance, he will be the destroyer of American greatness.”Trump said during Thursday’s closing night of the Republican National Convention that Americans “don’t look to career politicians for salvation” but instead “put our faith in Almighty God.”In June, Trump said “I hope it’s true” when asked about an evangelical claim that he had been appointed by God. Speakers of the virtual convention … website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area. All rights reserved. The second night of the Republican National Convention kicks off today, with primetime remarks from first lady Melania Trump. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican National Convention — the first political convention ever held at the White House — has ended with opera and fireworks. The nation could use more of the kind of conversation suggested by two-time presidential candidate and former Illinois governor Adlai Stevenson: “Let’s talk sense to the American people. President Trump is currently expected to make appearances each night of the convention this week and accept the nomination with a speech on Thursday evening from the White House. ... What counts now is not just what we are against, but what we are for. The 29-year-old Black father of six is paralyzed from the waist down.A 17-year-old from Illinois is charged in the fatal shooting of two protesters and the wounding of a third in Kenosha during unrest that followed Blake’s shooting.The widow of a retired St. Louis police captain shot to death after a violent night of protests says President Donald Trump is bolstering law enforcement agencies and using federal resources to “restore order in our communities.”During emotional remarks at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, Ann Marie Dorn said that she relives the “horror” of her husband’s death daily.In detail, she described the night that 77-year-old David Dorn was fatally shot outside a pawn shop June 2 amid violence following the death of George Floyd.Saying “violence and destruction are not legitimate forms of protest,” Dorn said she hopes that her pain will “help shake this country from the nightmare we are witnessing in our cities and bring about positive, peaceful change.”Soon after the shooting, Trump wrote on Twitter Dorn was “viciously shot and killed by despicable looters last night. President Donald Trump wrapped up … The saga ended up with Trump getting impeached by the Democratic-led House, but he was acquitted by the Republican-led Senate.Housing Secretary Ben Carson is offering sympathies to the family of Jacob Blake, the Kenosha, Wisconsin, man whose shooting by police has sparked deadly violence.Carson, the highest-ranking Black member of President Donald Trump’s administration, is the first Republican National Convention speaker Thursday to discuss Blake’s shooting.Trump refused earlier Thursday to answer questions about the shooting.Carson says his sympathies also extend to other families that have been affected by the “tragic events” in the Milwaukee suburb.Authorities say Blake was shot in the back by police responding to a domestic dispute.

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