Prospect is the National Trust’s trade union. We're providing additional collection cans and buckets to make this easier for visitors. We provide funding in the form of grants, contracts, and budget support to our partner countries. These are external links and will open in a new windowA union has accused the National Trust for Scotland (NTS) of "seizing" tips given to staff at the charity's Glencoe Visitor Centre in the Highlands.Prospect said the "several hundreds of pounds" in gratuities given to guides and cafe workers had been classed as donations to the trust.The union has asked for the money to be given back to staff.NTS said it had been made aware that some employees were "unclear" about its procedures regards tipping.David Avery, of Prospect, accused the trust of not having a clear policy or signage advising staff about how tips should be handled.He said: "It appears several hundred pounds given as tips to cafe staff and guides has been seized by the trust and banked as donations. Prospect Ellan Vannin. 37 were here. The union for staff employed by the National Trust has called on the organisation to pay the living wage to all of its workers.

We provide work related advice, support and services. The trust said it had been made aware some staff at its Glencoe centre were "unclear" on tipping procedures From the Scottish Parliament, national galleries, the Forestry Commission and the Scottish National Trust to energy companies, dockyards and airports, Prospect members provide the same level of expertise and commitment to professional standards as anywhere else in the UK. "She said the trust was working with staff representatives on the issue of tips.The BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sitesNew travel restrictions sow confusion as Wales and Scotland differ from England and Northern Ireland. These staff will be paid 100% furlough pay – on the basis of salary payments for the same month last year, or an average from the last twelve months, whichever is greater.Flexible hour staff tend to be the lowest paid within the Trust – on the most precarious contracts, overwhelmingly female and under the age of 25.The move follows earlier agreement between Prospect and the National Trust to The union was committed to achieving the best deal possible for members and wanted to avoid any scenario which would create a division within the workforce or a two-tier agreement under which some staff would benefit from more than others.National Trust branch president Paul Delaney said: “The COVID-19 crisis put us in a difficult set of negotiations with National Trust management, not least having to conduct meetings via video conferencing which has been a steep learning curve for everyone.“The agreements reached mean all of our members are being furloughed on 100% salary, including importantly our members on flexible hours (zero hours) contracts.“This was particularly hard fought for and is an indication of our influence and strength as a trade union within the organisation.“We also want to acknowledge the contribution made by the National Trust’s Board of Trustees.”Furlough arrangements for all staff will be reviewed on an on-going basis, and in line with government’s CJRS commitments, at the end of May. Member Contact Centre: t: 0300 600 1878 Prospect's members are engineers, scientists, managers and specialists in areas as diverse as agriculture, defence, education and children's services, energy, environment, heritage, shipbuilding, telecoms and transport. In 2013, Prospect members at the National Trust for Scotland's 130 properties were balloted over strike action, after the NTS refused to accept new … We're here to help, advise and where necessary, represent our members. Prospect, which represents the trust’s employees, claims that low pay within the organisation has left many workers “struggling below the poverty line”. "A spokeswoman for NTS said they were currently reviewing their position.She added: "The trust is a Scottish Living Wage employer and take our responsibilities to our staff seriously. Prospect said the "several hundreds of pounds" in gratuities given to guides and cafe workers had been classed as donations to the trust. Prospect trade union for National Trust, London, United Kingdom. These are external links and will open in a new window Prospect is the trade union for professionals. We are a Trade Union based on the Isle of Man. These staff will be paid 100% furlough pay – on the basis of salary payments for the same month last year, or an average from the last twelve months, whichever is greater. The union has asked for … The European Union dedicates around 10% of its budget to external action. New Prospect House, 8 Leake Street, London SE1 7NN. "We are asking the trust to think again on tips and return the money to staff.

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