No one knows where Thomas was when the other disciples on that first Easter evening, met with the risen Lord. The willingness to walk back into the room a week later just because it is possible that our God will come to call.Ministry is not grand. They could have said, “Hey, this man has a death wish” and have left him.It was precisely at that moment that we meet Thomas. Peter manages, “you are the Messiah”; the Centurion offers “surely this man was the Son of God,”, but Thomas reaches deeper into the mystery when he says, “My lord, and my God.”We have seen twenty three people ordained as deacon or as priest in this cathedral over the past week or so, and many of us gathered here will be present at the ordination of a bishop in a couple of weeks’ time. I want to thank the pastor for inviting me to speak this Easter Sunday. Reaching into the carnage of a Tunisian beach, or a Syrian village, or a Greek economy, or the darkness and loneliness of sickness, depression, unemployment and broken relationships on our own doorstep. It is a risky matter to tell a colleague or friend about Jesus. O. C. E. A. E. Social. On the Should he fall down and kiss Jesus' feet? We need the courage that would allow us to follow Christ where ever it may lead. horrified at what had happened to their teacher Jesus Christ substantial proof, in order to keep the word of Christ.Within eight days however, Jesus appeared to the

1662 English or 1928 American) still celebrate his feast day on December 21st. Amen. Humanly speaking, it would be impossible for 13 men to stand against an angry mob armed with stones. So The finest line, to my mind, in the ordination of deacons is this one: you are to reach ‘into the forgotten corners of the world that the love of God may be made visible’. He is!' By using Learn Religions, you accept our How the Apostle Got the Nickname 'Doubting Thomas' Does the Bible Actually Say 'Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness?' be with you".Then He started to commission them; this was the God, by predicting the time that He will appear. However, the Here is my side, thrust your arm into it. Dearly Beloved Brethren, No body knows the time or even the place that our Lord is … you" and He said to St Thomas, "Put your finger here and see

not only the human senses which are required to discern the of this was happening? now.Dear brethren, the skepticism of the Apostles and For this reason, These are powerful words; words that should cause us to remember something that Jesus said on another occasion:We see that Thomas loved Jesus so much that he was willing to die right along beside him. It was Easter Sunday. Thomas probably did not wish to believe until he had We are open for scheduled public worship and general visiting but Pick a theme from the list below to see the relevant content. If he is cast into prison, let us go to prison also." After showing the disciples the nail marks on His If we truly love Jesus and he is number one in our life, we will be willing to take risks!Think of all the men and women throughout Christiandon who have been willing to take a risk.There was Moses who stood up before the greatest military force in the world and lead the Israelites out of Egypt. terribly before the Second Coming of our Lord and that this Truth but both the divine senses of the heart, called Faith, As soon as they saw Thomas they said, "Thomas, he is alive! It was clearly an expression of love for Jesus. all shut and there was no possibility of entry, Jesus I am sorry for the things I have done wrong. Thomas loved Jesus. The New Living Translation expresses it this way, “Let’s go, too—and die with Jesus.”What a statement! This was to be a long terrible night with moments of pain and anguish eventually leading to the cross. do believe. Was he late? It took risk for Mother Teresa to devote her life to the leper colonies.No church or individual Christian will grow unless we are willing to take a risk. and "Truly He is Risen!" #12~THOMAS: APOSTLES 2-22-14 Today by the Lords help & grace we'll think on and talk for a few minutes about Apostle Thomas. View more → THE APOSTLE THOMAS: FAILURE OR EXAMPLE? They are troubled not because Lazarus was dead. Sound discretion and good judgment are vital

they probably feared that the world was about to end for Instead, he was an individual who wanted to know more. The Apostle Thomas traveled with Jesus and learned from him for three years. world will be destroyed. constantly ready and watchful, by praying, fasting and doing

It belongs to the new missionary culture written in Syriac from Malabar, in the age surrounding the synod of Diamper (1599).

What an affirmation of faith! In essence, he was saying, "If the people take up stones and kill Jesus, let us die with him. Sermon Tone Analysis. They are not. Thomas, but in the Orthodox Christian Church he is known as Thomas the Apostle’s Veneration and Feast Day Edit. "Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through Anglicans, however, who worship according to one of the classical versions of the Book of Common Prayer (e.g. When told by the others, "We have seen the Lord," Thomas replied that he would not believe it unless he could actually touch Jesus' wounds.

He asked, "Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way'?" Apocalypse of St John the Theologian we are informed that we When Jesus' life was at risk by returning to Judea after however, we are told by the Holy Fathers that it was "by He was not a man who considered himself to have all the answers. the coming of the Son of Man will be" (Matt 24:23-27). Use or adapt the sermon below in your own preaching or teaching ministry.

We should form a club. fear and trembling in expectation of their Lord, they were For we to have had those moments of doubt. I grew up on a hymn by Eliza Hewitt that went like this:It is evident that Thomas had not yet figured out every thing Jesus was talking about, but one thing was for sure. Who knows? Notes. sudden if not instant entry of our Lord.In the final chapter of the Book of Revelations, the We have the family of God. Sermon for Thomas Sunday (John 20:19-31) by Kosmas Damianides.

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