Each possesses its own unique abilities.

The seal activates once touched. This puppet has the statistics of a creature of CR 2 or below. Make a separate thrown weapon attack for each projectile. On a failure, its stunned until the end of your next turn. If the target is a creature, their movement speed becomes 0 and their melee attacks deal twice as much damage. You may end this effect early as an action, and another creature may attempt a Strength saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success. You gain a +3 bonus to AC. A magic item is unaffected by this spell. You may choose a second and third Ninja Path or the next feature in your additional path at 18th and 19th level. As a bonus action or reaction, you make your body and all items you are carrying able to pass through objects. Make a melee spell attack. At the start of your turn, you can chose to make a charge, for the rest of the turn, you gain a +10 ft bonus to movement, +4 to hit, and -2 to AC. Additionally, you gain access to a number of simple weapons of your choice equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier. for one attack. At 20th level, discuss with your DM and create a custom ability of your choice fitting this subclass' theme. Alternatively when you cast this Jutsu, you can target a wounded creature within 10 feet of you. On a success, nothing happens. You can attempt a DC 15 Arcana check to locate living creatures that are not constructs within 60 feet. Additionally, you may use Sage Mode and Susano’o at the same time. A creature can take pill as a bonus action. At 2nd level, you have learned how to store objects of medium size or smaller into scrolls. If it fails, its pushed 20 feet into the air and its stunned until the end of your next turn.

At the end of this jutsu’s duration, any creatures of your choice within range must attempt a Wisdom saving throw, taking 4d6 psychic damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. In addition, while out of initiative, this time limit is doubled. At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Poisoner’s tools and the Deception skill.
As a reaction, when you are hit by an attack and would take damage, you can lower the damage by 1d10 + your Dexterity + your Shinobi Level and teleport up to 15 ft in any direction to an unoccupied space during which you take the Hide action. If the target is a Huge or larger object or creation of force, this spell disintegrates a 10-foot-cube portion of it. Certain characters can not be completely encompassed in a single subclass, such as a Jinchuriki who also wields sand possessed by a lost loved one.

There's no escape. You exhale a coarse, brown cloud of particles.

This technique requires Surge to be active. As part of an unarmed attack, you erect a barrier of plasma on contact. In addition, while your sharingan is active, you may attempt to trap a creature within 40 feet that you can see and is not At 10th level, you have gained the third and final tomoe. Every time you gain a level, or every time you gain 50,000 experience if you are at 20th level, you gain a You tap into the power of the Ten-Tails, awakening the ultimate dōjutsu as a third eye in your forehead. As an action, you create an orb of iron sand and then forcefully disperses it into needles in a circle around you. You may also form contracts with several creatures at once. You may create up to 3 weapons out of red chakra as an action. The heat and fire feels comforting and soothing to allies, but they cause great pain and anguish for your enemies. Each creature of your choice in a 30-foot cone must make a Constitution Saving Throw.

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