Otherwise, he would order the E-Web to open fire.After Gideon walked off, IG-11 began a rescue effort, giving Djarin, Karga, and Dune a chance to escape.

Before Mandalorian could fire back, Gideon took his time to adjust his aim and fire at the E-Web's power pack. Gideon answered by offering reasonable negotiation. Ce sabre est une clé du passé de Moff Gideon, qui a peut-être beaucoup à voir avec son origine et son désir de construire une planète…” A noter que le sabre noir est un élément présent dans la série animée Clone Wars, les jeux et dans la bande-dessinée Dark Maul.

Gideon était un humain qui vécut sous l'Empire Galactique. Introduit à l’origine dans Star Wars : The Clone Wars, ... Selon Din Djarin, Moff Gideon était un officier du Bureau de la Sécurité Impériale pendant la Purge. Just as you betrayed our business arrangement, I would gladly break any promise and watch you die at my hand. Gideon was a human male who served as an officer in the Imperial Security Bureau, a law enfor… He was also an adept tactician and good at psychological warfare, capable of assessing psychological circumstances of his enemies through mere hints of their actions, and isn't beneath information that would have infuriated his enemies just to taunt and destabilize them.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While the two scout troopers were retrieving the Child, Gideon killed an officer for interrupting him. He turned around to tell Djarin and his crew that they had until nightfall to cooperate. By the time Gideon discovered them, the left-wing blew off, and a fire started inside of the cockpit. Frustrated with the lack of progress, Gideon ordered an Gideon used the Darksaber to escape from his TIE fighter.Gideon spun his TIE fighter and darted in multiple directions to lose Djarin, but the latter managed to plant detonators on the TIE. The scout troopers attempted to bring the Child to the moff but were stopped by the Gideon finished off by saying that the E-Web would soon destroy the cantina. After he crashed, the Mandalorian and the rest of his crew assumed he was dead. It exploded, sending Djarin flying backward. Par la suite, il grimpa les échelons jusqu'à atteindre le titre de moff et gérer ainsi son propre territoire. Dune dragged Djarin into the cantina while Karga and IG-11 retreated inside. Djarin parted ways with his comrades and flew off-world with the Child. Le passé de Moff Gideon. The Dark Saber était lune des questions brûlantes de la finale de la première saison de The Mandalorian. Before long, Gideon raised his blaster and shot Djarin in the back of the head. Gideon continued by remarking how Karga broke their earlier arrangement. The moff eyed Djarin while the Mandalorian utilized the E-Web. Après la chute de l'Empire, Gideon forma son propre Peu de temps après, Gideon arriva sur les lieux avec son Dans la version française de la série, Gideon est doublé par l'acteur After he had finished, Gideon left his troopers to watch over the cantina. He was imposing and ruthless, willing to kill fellow Imperials to achieve his goals, as shown by his non-hesitation in killing over a dozen stormtroopers when he first arrived on Nevarro and even killing an officer only for interrupting him. A battle ensued, and amongst all of the chaos, Gideon watched the battle around him. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Star Wars Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Cinéma.

His injuries forced him and the others to fall back into the cantina. The assurance I give is this: I will act in my own self-interest, which at this time involves your cooperation and benefit." Donc, quand nous le voyons à la fin de l’épisode couper la sortie de son chasseur TIE avec le sabre noir. Lors de la Grande Purge de Mandalore, il était officier au sein du Bureau de Sécurité Impériale. Nous ne pouvons que supposer qu’il l’a revendiquée après avoir tué son propriétaire précédent.

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