Pregnancy Problem Services 20645 Douglas Crescent Langley BC CANADA 604-795-3043. Water, and milk are good alternatives that will provide you with more of the nutrients your baby needs.Other herbal teas, such as citrus peel, linden flower (not recommended for persons with pre-existing cardiac conditions), ginger, lemon balm, orange peel and rose hip, are generally considered safe if taken in moderation (two to three cups per day).

How do we respond to Black Lives Matter? He or she can show you how, so you can care for your teeth and gums properly.Be sure to continue with routine dental check-ups during and after your pregnancy.Given the important connection between healthy eating and oral health, follow For additional information on oral health, visit the:When you are pregnant, the thoughts and feelings you experience can range from happiness and contentment—“I can’t wait to hold my new baby”, “I’m going to be a great mother”—to worry and stress—“Will I ever lose all this weight?”, “Can I really support a baby on this pay cheque?” It’s normal to experience these types of feelings.

To increase your iron intake, eat foods rich in iron such as red meat; eggs and poultry; whole grain and enriched breads and cereals; cooked or canned dried beans; and peas and lentils.Healthy eating doesn’t have to cost a fortune! In Canada, almost half of all pregnancies are unexpected.When this happens, it may be hard for a woman to know which way to turn and where to find help. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Your baby will get more oxygen and nutrients, which will help increase the baby’s birth weight and health. Opt for the low-fat variety, which will give you the high quality protein, calcium and vitamin D you need but with less of the fat and calories. THE PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTRE OF ST. You may be advised to take a higher dosage of folic acid.Taking a daily vitamin supplement does not reduce or replace the need for a healthy, well-balanced diet according to Start taking a daily multivitamin with 0.4 mg of folic acid ideally before planning a pregnancy.

It’s easier to do when we do it together.A registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency.PCC has obtained the seal of accountability from the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.Fill in your information to subscribe to our email list and stay up to date with everything going on at Pregnancy Care Canada. Things may happen quite differently in Canada compared to the country you came from. Try to choose grain products that are lower in fat, sugar and salt, and look for the “whole grain” variety.Milk and alternatives are important for your growing baby. 200 535 Tranquille Road Kamloops BC CANADA 250-376-4646. You’ll also feel great knowing you gave your baby the best possible start in life.The best choice for you and your baby is to stay smoke-free. Aim for three meals a day with healthy snacks in between. Confide in your partner, a trusted friend, family member or health care provider.Mood swings are a normal part of pregnancy. Follow Pregnant women need fruits and vegetables every day. Even when you feel bloated, you still need to keep drinking water and other fluid like milk, to stay healthy.To reduce swelling, put your feet up, avoid crossing your legs, wear loose clothing and get plenty of rest and exercise.Heartburn is common during pregnancy.

Make sure it has 0.4 mg of folic acid and 16 to 20 mg of iron. Learn to say “no!”Take care of yourself by eating well, staying active and finding time to relax and rest when you need it.Share your thoughts and feelings with others. One extra snack is often enough. All Rights Reserved. The type of activity you choose is up to you, as long as you feel comfortable doing it and your health care provider says it’s okay.Physical activity can make you feel better and be beneficial for both you and your developing baby. It will also contribute to your baby’s healthy growth and development.During your second and third trimesters of pregnancy, you need some additional calories each day to support the growth of your baby. Even five minutes a day will help. Check out Canada’s Food Guide to see how many servings of each food group you need each day.Take a prenatal multivitamin every day. Research suggests that in adults, bacteria from diseased gums may travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body. Your health care provider will be able to advise you.There are lots of healthy foods you can eat on the run. People live with FASD for their entire life. Most couples resume an active sex life sometime during the first year of their baby’s life.Stages of pregnancy information was reprinted with permission from © 2000–2006 Women’s College Hospital.Feeling sick? 2 In Canada, 97 percent of women with children aged birth to eleven months had received prenatal care in 2001. If you’re feeling more tired than normal, take it easy and rest for a day.Drink lots of water before, during and after physical activity to avoid overheating and dehydration. If you do gain a few pounds, don’t worry. It is essential to the normal development of your baby’s spine, brain and skull, especially during the first four weeks of your pregnancy. FASD can only be caused when a birth mother drinks alcohol while she is pregnant. By staying smoke-free you’re protecting both you and your baby from the harmful effects of tobacco smoke.Some people find that picking a quit day helps. From prenatal care to resting in the maternity ward after birth, most new moms in Canada will be in the hospital for just a brief time. If you have questions about immunization programs or about your child’s recommended immunization schedule, talk to your local health care provider or public health nurse.Example of a vaccine that needs to be given more than once to build your baby’s immunity.The number of vaccines your baby needs can change by type of childhood vaccine. Certain smells and movements can make the nausea worse. Gradually increase the time you’re active to 30 minutes a session. There are many changes to adjust to and many unknowns to face.

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